What is the human spirit? Many understand that humans are created as triune beings and consist of a body, a soul and a spirit. However, very few ministers and even fewer believers can explain with any detail what the human spirit is. It is imperative that believers gain a deeper understand of the human spirit, how God designed it and how it can once again function properly. The human spirit is not the same as the soul or heart. Most of today's pastoral counseling models are based primarily on the mind or thoughts which are part of the soul. While the mind and thoughts are important, neglecting the human spirit leaves one third of the being not functioning correctly. The Ministry of Counseling uses Solomon's Temple as a model that takes an in-depth look at the human spirit, soul and body. You will quickly discover that Solomon's Temple is more than a simple illustration. It is a model that gives a clear representation of the different areas of the human being by showing how they blend and function together. The Ministry of Counseling also describes in detail how the soul (mind, will and emotions) function. You will discover that the bible has a great deal to say about the human thought process and how the human spirit, empowered by the Holy Spirit, can overcome ungodly beliefs and strongholds. Believers should not be overcome by depression, anxiety or fear. They should not be in bondage to addiction or emotional pain. The Ministry of Counseling teaches how to have victory over these and many other problems. The teaching in these pages is biblical, practical and shows how to experience true peace. The temple counseling model has helped many believers understand themselves and how they can restore God's design in their lives. For many, the result has been personal victory over strongholds such as depression or fear. For others there has been great spiritual growth, healthier relationships and more peace. The Ministry of Counseling has valuable insight that can help those who struggle and those who minister to them.