In the 1990s and beyond, Peter Huston was prominent in the field of skepticism and was a contributor to both Skeptic and The Skeptical Inquirer. He authored two books to educate the public on paranormal scams. Huston has contributed to many newspapers, magazines, newsletters, websites, and other forums and his work has won awards, and been translated into six languages. His life has been interesting, at times surreal, and has involved large event security, ambulance work, skeleton and bobsledding, and six years traveling and teaching English in Asia, as well as earning twin master’s degrees, one in East Asian Studies with a focus on Chinese history and the history of science from Cornell and the other in Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages (ESL). He currently is working on several writing projects and teaches English as a second language in the USA to students from all over the world. His hobbies include martial arts, cooking, and hanging out with refugees from Burma and eating their food.