The Moshe Emes Recent Complex Creation Framework ’RCCF’ first Haskamah edition file 1.770e
In gratitude to The Rebbe, in memory of a mentor Rav Avigdor Miller, and honor of my principal Rav Nachman Cohen PhD
Dated: 22 Shevat, 5782 anno-mundi / January 24, 2022
14 Kislev, 5782 / Nov.18, 2021 was the First Hardcover edition. Other milestones in 2009, 2015 and the Haskamah in 2018
An alt. edition depicts ’Moses’ also by Rembrandt.
Within ID is the strongest science. w/in YeC is the strongest ID. w/in RCCF is the strongest YeC, thus the strongest science.
The ’Moshe Emes’ series also includes
Volume II: ’Distant Starlight and the Age, Formation and Structure of the Universe’ aka ’Distant Starlight and Torah’ based on ’SPIRAL’ cosmological redshift hypothesis.
Volume III: ’Torah Discovery Chronology’
Result: Torah and Science Reconciled!