"Birds of a Feather: short stories & miscellany" is the debut work of fiction by Arik Bjorn, who recently ran for U.S. Congress as the 2016 Democratic Party / Green Party fusion candidate for South Carolina’s 2nd Congressional District.
With these five short stories and one slap-happily true essay, the author responds to his fundamentalist Christian background and counters with rebel angels ("Indiana"), resurrected humanists ("Vonnegut Lives!") and imbibing ministers ("Birds of a Feather")--plus divinely-disappeared red states and farting orange tabbies. Bjorn imagines a fresh Christian mythology that runs Möbius strip circles around the apocalyptic-poppycock fiction of Frank Peretti and the Left Behind series. //// Bjorn has published ten books. His most recent title, THIS IS NOT A SELF-HELP BOOK: AND YOU CAN TOO!, is a "Jesus take the wheel (of cheese!)" health recovery journey memoir. (If you’re going to lose 85 pounds, might as well write about it.) He also recently published, UBER NIGHTS, about his late-night rideshare adventures in the Deep South. In South Carolina, you never know if your next passenger will be a naked lady with a toothbrush, a banana spider, or a punch-drunk redneck.