Save the Blue Feather tells the story of a young orphan girl named Mary Ogden, who wishes to become a singer and an actress. Both of her parents were once orphans, and they adopted her to live a life free of foster homes where she could develop her God-given talents and abilities. But there are two things that are challenging her. One is a wolf she saw twice in the wild and again in a dream. The second thing she must deal with is a rude boy who only wants to bother her on the bus she rides to school. But the tables get turned when he agrees to work with her in a singing competition, and eventually the two go on to be picked for a musical production of Tom Sawyer at the local theater. Then when she has all her hopes up, a throat ailment puts her in the hospital, and she loses the role she most dearly wanted to have. However, she survives and is given an even greater opportunitythe musical director wants her and her school mates to do a show based on her life. Save the Blue Feather is sure to give you the joyous and happy feelings that the author felt about writing it.