The Jewel Merchants: A Comedy in One Act (1921) is a comic fantasy play by James Branch Cabell. Set in a world where history and fantasy collide, where a loyal Count can rise to defy the Duke he so diligently serves, The Jewel Merchants: A Comedy in One Act is included in a series of novels, essays, and poems known as the Biography of the Life of Manuel. "Am I to be welcomed merely for the sake of my gems? You were more gracious, you were more beautifully like your lovely name, on the fortunate day that I first encountered you ... only six weeks ago, and only yonder, where the path crosses the highway. But now that I esteem myself your friend, you greet me like a stranger." Roaming the hills on the outskirts of Florence, Graciosa, the lovely daughter of Balthazar Valori, encounters the jewel merchant Guido. Examining his wares, she is drawn to a magnificent set of pearls intended for Count Eglamore, a man who informed on her cousin Cibo, a man her family has sworn an oath to kill. Set in a fictionalized Tuscany of the Renaissance era, The Jewel Merchants: A Comedy in One Act is a captivating tale of jealousy, revenge, and the lengths to which a man will go for love. Cabell’s work has long been described as escapist, his novels and stories derided as fantastic and obsessive recreations of a world lost long ago. To read The Jewel Merchants: A Comedy in One Act, however, is to understand that the issues therein-the struggle for power, the unspoken distance between men and women-were vastly important not only at the time of its publication, but in our own, divisive world. With a beautifully designed cover and professionally typeset manuscript, this edition of James Branch Cabell’s The Jewel Merchants: A Comedy in One Act is a classic of fantasy and romance reimagined for modern readers.