Are you highly motivated by the work you are doing? Are you are performing at your best? Are your employees highly motivated and performing at their best?
For some people, Steve’s book will be about helping organizations improve performance by tapping into the heart and soul of their employees. For others it is a book about finding a place in this world where they can feel productive and alive, where what they do has meaning, satisfaction, and a sense of purpose and fulfillment. Others might take what is learned and apply it to family and loved ones.
Through Steve’s book, you will learn concepts and techniques about SIMA(R) (the System for Motivated Abilities(R)) that will enable you to better tap into your motivated strengths and those of your employees to improve effectiveness, productivity, and work satisfaction; how to prevent those strengths from becoming weaknesses that can damage performance and productivity; and how to create a work environment that helps your organization and teams maximize their potential.
Steve Darter has a distinguished career as a consultant, author, educator, and speaker. For more than forty-five years he has counseled people, ranging from CEOs of Fortune 500 corporations to troubled teenagers, on work, career, and life issues. He has written and presented extensively about the importance of understanding, using, and effectively managing motivated strengths to live a more meaningful, purposeful, and successful life.