Objective: The purpose of this book is to help students learn the 6th grade Common Core State Standards for language and be able to apply these standards into their everyday lives. Students will accomplish these objectives by completing a variety of activities that help utilize multiple learning modalities. These lessons and worksheets also incorporate the best practices of education by using Direct Interactive Instruction (DII) as a method of learning the material. Whether a teacher has been trained in these strategies is not important as many of the worksheets give the teacher a step-by-step guide to help the students master the standards.Topics Covered:1. Setting Off Non-Restrictive / Parenthetical Clauses using commas, dashes, and parentheses. 2. Subjective, Objective, Possessive Pronouns3. Pronouns: Number, Gender, Person4. Fixing Vague Pronouns5. Intensive and Reflexive Pronouns6. Variety of Sentence Patterns7. Comma Rules8. Capitalization Rules9. Vocabulary AcquisitionThis book ends with a plan for incorporating these language activities within the context of the teacher’s entire language arts program.*Volume discounts available a CreateBetterWriters.com