Leon Jay is an international author and seminar speaker on the topic of online business. He has spoken in the UK, NZ, Australia, America, Thailand, Vietnam, Singapore, China, Indonesia and Israel.
He started out building a web development business, which he passed on to a business partner to pursue the world of affiliate and information marketing.
Since then he has served as an affiliate manager for a 7 figure a year personal development company in Australia, and as Director of Marketing for Mark Joyner Inc (Mark is known as the God Father of internet marketing, and credited as being the first person to have sold an ebook).
Since then Leon was the marketing mind and 50% partner in a software and training program launch that generated $1.4 million in 10 days. He has consulted and partnered on various other 6 and 7 figure launches, is founder of FusionHQ.com (a platform for digital and information markers) and send.fish (an autoresponder service), co-founded CopySniper.com (an online copywriting software and sales page builder) and is co-founder of Coffee Monster (a cafe and co-working space for digital nomands in Chiang Mai Thailand).
In 2012 he was featured on the cover of the Internet Marketing Magazine, a space reserved only for those who have generated more than 7 figures online. He has also been featured in several books as well as having been invited as a guest speaker on many podcast shows and webinars.
In addition to all this he has hosted multiple live events and webinars of his own to help share his knowledge and enthusiasm for building businesses online. His industry expertise is highly valued. Clients have paid $10,000 a day for private coaching with Leon.
His books are no fluff and contain a fresh, direct and often controversial take on the subject matter. He has little patience for nonsense, fads or parroting other people’s content. Leon tells you in no uncertainty what works and what does not.