Nadine Staaf is a Canadian artist from British Columbia, now living on Prince Edward Island. She and her husband have a young son who inspires Nadine to continually do and be more in the world. Nadine has always said "one day, I will make children’s books." Then, one day, the idea of designing an adult colouring book came rushing into her mind. An adult colouring book idea was not expected, but it was exactly the best fit for her. Nadine has wanted to fine-tune her line drawing skills and designing a colouring book would definitely help her to develop those skills. Nadine plans to continue creating books, with a goal of publishing at least one new book each year. As time moves forward, she would like to be recognized with a book award of some kind (because that would be FUN)! Nadine has the intention of making the world a better place for everyone. She thanks you for your excitement surrounding her projects and encourages you to spread the word about her books so that others can also enjoy them for years to come! Learn more about Nadine at http: //