I was born and raised in Southern Indiana where I grew up the fifth of six children. We were your typical middle class family that just happened to live in a haunted house. I have been married twice, raised five kids and I am now just trying to stay two steps ahead of my grand-kids. I started writing at night while sitting up watching over my son. He is epileptic and also has cognitive issues. These days developing my story lines are my way of staying at least somewhat sane. And even though I know I am never going to make the best seller list, writing helps me feel productive and I honestly love creating my characters. However, I confess to possibly being the world’s worst editor and book reviewer. With that being said I ask you to be tolerant of the grammar mistakes and focus on what I am hoping is an enjoyable story and interesting characters. This is truer than ever in book two; it was written during one of the worst times in my life. So let me apologize for those mistakes in advance, and promise to try to do better in volume three, especially now that people who are not related to me are reading my books. For more of my story, or to find out more about my situation please visit me at: JOSEPHINESCORNER.weebly.com or friend me at Facebook.com/JoRitchieBooks