Sammi S. is a 23 years old Chinese born in America. She grew up with a warm family consisting of an older brother, mother, and father. Her family tree has settled down in America for over 40 years. In 1989, her father traveled back to Hong Kong for a vacation. During this time, her father fell in love with her beautiful mother and they married within 5 days. They have been together for 26 years now. Sammi S. is bilingual capable of speaking English and Cantonese fluently. She has a deep interest in learning new concepts and writing new stories. Throughout her college years, Sammi has worked several office jobs to earn for her college fees and living expense. She worked in the same company as an assistant for over five years in the purchasing, IT and/or planning departments. She graduated from Rutgers University with a biochemistry major to understand the physiology of life. Sammi has taken several course in psychology, philosophy, sociology and biological sciences. These courses has helped Sammi learn about the philosophical connection between humans and their surrounding environment...