Creative Hiring introduces The Pinnacle Model which describes the job interview in which both parties mutually enjoy, learn and improve themselves. Most importantly, it aims to accomplish this while elevating and improving the interviewer to see behind the mask of business formality, and decipher the competencies and qualities of the candidates with a high degree of precision.Creativity. Curiosity. Collaboration. Genuineness. These are the central concepts the model is built upon.As a unified theory of in-depth human interaction that can be used both in and out of the business setting, Creative Hiring is a must read for any recruiter, hiring manager or human resources professional. The work is made up of two main parts."Part One: The Theory" discovers the underlying determinants of human behavior with respect to the job interview setting. For an insightful understanding, The Theory lays down the theoretical foundation on which practical suggestions are built upon. It uses the science of Sociology; Psychology and Communication Studies on the one hand, and the author's professional recruitment field experience on the other."Part Two: The Practice" details the Pinnacle Model itself. Its 7 unique principles which can be seen below are placed within the symbolic analogy of ascending up to and descending down from a Pinnacle.The Ascent, Principle 1: Enable Mental ComfortThe Ascent, Principle 2: Earn RespectThe Ascent, Principle 3: Surprise (Pattern Break)The Pinnacle, Principle 4: Show Genuine InterestThe Descent, Principle 5: Side with the CandidateThe Descent, Principle 6: Know YourselfThe Descent, Principle 7: Let Them KnowAlso includes a Hand Guide of Key Takeaways and Skill Building Tips for Interviewers.