What is it that makes sports so entertaining and engaging? Unlike a movie or even a "reality" show, when you watch sports you are witnessing actual drama, struggle, triumph, and pain. This is unscripted and happening in real time. That’s what makes sports as popular as it is.For anyone who has ever agonized at an injury, bad call, or loss, can attest, we become emotionally attached to what we are watching. We are literally watching a microcosm of life. We can relate because, whether we have been athletes or not, we have experienced many of the same trials and tribulations, victories and defeats, disappointments and elation, that we see on the "jumbo-tron."If you were an athlete, from "little leager" to pro, you had the good fortune to get an early glimpse of what life has to offer. The life lessons taken away from playing sports are many and varied and those lessons are the topic of this book.Every chapter is broken down into specific life skills and benefits derived from being involved in sports. There a two essays in each chapter condensing the views of the individual authors.We sincerely hope you are blessed by reading our book.