Michael Bader, DMH is a licensed psychologist and psychoanalyst currently practicing in San Francisco. In 2002, he was one of the founders of the Institute4Change. He has treated, coached, and taught hundreds of leaders in the progressive community, bringing insights from his clinical practice to bear on problems of leadership and organizational change. He not only received extensive training in psychotherapy and psychoanalysis in San Francisco but found additional training with Robert Kegan and Lisa Lahey in their Minds at Work program in Cambridge, Massachusetts. Dr. Bader has written extensively in his own field of psychology and has also pioneered studies looking at the intersection of psychology, culture, and politics. He has published three books and over sixty articles on these topics in print magazines, edited collections, academic journals, and popular websites such as Alternet.org and HuffingtonPost.com. A list of his publications can be found on his website: www.michaelbader.com. He currently splits his time between San Francisco and Grass Valley, California.