Ayelet’s "journey" of more than 15 years started with traditional Jewish cooking, and led her to find over 120 "healthy kosher recipes my family loves, and yours will too!" This cookbook presents her most successful recipes, with color-coded notes for wheat free recipes, egg free recipes, and sugar free recipes. You will find: - About 90 recipes sugar free or free of refined (white) sugar, many with coconut sugar or agave syrup - Almost 60 egg free recipes - Over 60 wheat free recipes, with close to 40 using spelt flour - Feingold-diet friendly recipes, indicating Stage 1 or Stage 2 - Easy-to-read recipes with lots of extra tips, great for beginners Ayelet’s goal was to provide directions that are easy to follow. She says, "Don’t be afraid to experiment." And she proceeds to make that simpler than ever, providing many useful guidelines along the way. Her focus was always on finding "healthy recipes that tasted good enough for the kids." And being that her primary critics were her young children, it is no wonder that the emphasis in her book is on desserts, with over 50 mouth-watering recipes. Many contain the healthier alternatives of coconut sugar or agave syrup. But even those recipes with refined sugar contain only natural coloring and flavoring. So enjoy and be healthy! Ayelet welcomes your questions and feedback, at ayeletscookbook@yahoo.com.