Vinay Gidwani is professor of geography and global studies at the University of Minnesota, Twin Cities, and author of Capital, Interrupted: Agrarian Development and the Politics of Work in India (Minnesota, 2008).
Michael Goldman is associate professor of sociology and global studies at the University of Minnesota, Twin Cities, and author of Imperial Nature: The World Bank and Struggles for Social Justice in the Age of Globalization.
Carol Upadhya is visiting professor at the National Institute of Advanced Studies, Bengaluru, and author of Reengineering India: Work, Capital, and Class in an Offshore Economy.
Janaki Nair is author of Mysore Modern: Rethinking the Region under Princely Rule (Minnesota, 2011) and The Promise of the Metropolis: Bangalore’s Twentieth Century.
Malini Ranganathan is associate professor in the School of International Service at American University and coauthor of Corruption Plots: Stories, Ethics, and Publics of the Late Capitalist City.