ABOUT THE AUTHORS Geo Dell I am the author of The Zombie Plagues. I am a guitarist and a Luthier. I have authored Guitar Repair books as well as novels and mainline fiction. And I have built several guitars for myself as well as to illustrate building techniques and custom work on acoustic and electric instruments. I spent most of my life in New York where I currently make my home, but I have traveled through the south and southwest. I draw with graphite and as well as pen. I write fiction, non fiction and music, lyrics, verse. Geo Dell. Dell Sweet I was born in New York. I wrote my first fiction at age seventeen. I have driven taxi and worked as a carpenter for most of my life. I began working on the internet in 1989 primarily in HTML, graphics and website optimizations. I spent time in prison, lived on the streets two years as a drug addicted teen, and have been clean and sober for the last ten years. I was honorably discharged from the U.S. Navy in 1975. I am a Musician who writes his own music as well as lyrics. I am an Artist accomplished in Graphite, Pen, and Digital media. I have written more than twenty books and several dozen short stories. You can find out more about both writers at the link below. http: //sotofo.com/writers/index.html