Meet Nick HT Pearmain, an author and stand up comic and of course, the creator of Westspring. Born and bred from East London, Nick comes from a working class family who has taught him to stay humble. Ever since he was a little boy, all he ever did was write short horror and comedy stories. Stories that he would share with his Great Grandmother, Ethel. Growing up, he would watch Horror and Sci-Fi films and often dream about creating the next big thing.... A Horror/Sci-fi series with twists and turns around every corner, so he decided to create the Westspring series. Based in his hometown, Westspring takes place in the heart of Newham. He has promised us surprises, twists, gore, and even some funny lines in the brand new series. I would even go that far to say that Westspring could even change the horror genre. This could be history of the making! He quotes "Westspring is based in East London. However, the series will take place in a number of famous areas around Britain and other places around the world. A lot of people ask me "How can you go from writing comedy to writing dark horror?" And my answer is this: I’m just simply a mad man with a pen...."