This tiny gem of a book available now in paperback, is bursting with the essential information you must have to help you lose weight and keep it off. You'll treasure an enlightening 100-page read that informs with updated research, tempts with savory flavor-balanced Protein First recipes, encourages with smart life-management tips, and inspires you to excellence. The Rule, Protein First, is not temporary during the initial period of weight loss after bariatric surgery. Rather, this rule must be followed for the life of the postoperative bariatric patient who desires life-long healthy weight management by employing surgery, diet, and lifestyle modification in this cause. Understanding "Protein First" is the most exciting knowledge you can hold in support of your lasting weight management goals after weight loss surgery. What's in it: In this LivingAfterWLS publication, we take an in-depth look at the Protein First rule, why it matters, and how to live by the rule. Protein First is defined, followed by current recommendations for calculating daily protein intake for weight loss and weight maintenance. To help you succeed in living the Protein First rule we offer a well-versed selection of protein sources and scrumptious recipes so you can enjoy your diet and reach your goals. Who it's for: Protein First is a go-to guide for patients of all current and past bariatric weight loss procedures who want to achieve optimal weight loss and maintain a healthy weight for life.