James Clarke is a maverick. Born on VE Day in 1945 he was brought up in Leicester. After training as a Youth Worker he moved to Scotland and then to the magical Shetland Isles where he owned a croft. Injured by a cow he had to give up crofting and return to England where he once more lives in Leicester, with his juke boxes, his cat and his fourth wife. His interests are wide and he has written plays - An Interview with Macbeth and Shades of Isis are available on Amazon - three novels: The Sons of the Stuarts is a mad roller coaster ride through an attempted coup to make Scotland free, Satanic Rites is equally funny but has a sinister edge as a vampire battles Satanists on the mad island of Wetlund, and The Rape of Dinah follows Jacob and his tribe through the wilderness as they escape their numerous enemies. The Cat Got The Weazle is his third volume of poetry: the others are Chocolate Rain, an exploration of a world off centre, and Smoke From the Hills, a partly nostalgic trip through life’s catastrophes and recoveries. All are available on Amazon.