This intriguing Novel will transport you to Martha's Vineyard, New York City, Boston, then back to The Vineyard. Kate DONNELY, 40 yr. old NY Times bestselling author and founder of Chef Kate Enterprises quickly rises to celebrity chef status. Attractive and driven, she's walked away from her success on Wall St. and pursued her passion in the culinary ranks. But, with all her success, Kate is unable to recognize true love. Instead, she's dabbled in the dark side of provocative sex and with an unsavory restaurateur. Her parents' tragic shipwreck off Martha's Vineyard two decades earlier still haunts her. Commitment issues are the by-product. Kate's college sweetheart, Tony is now Boston's FBI Special Agent Anthony Grasso. Dashingly handsome, he's plowed through two failed marriages while waiting for his true love, Kate to commit. She tries. This story begins and ends at the family matriarch's seaside cottage on the enchanting island of Martha's Vineyard. Aunt Ev is very wise, yet unapologetically quirky. The twists and turns of Kate's life, as she works to resolve her commitment issues, move as swiftly as the racing cabs of NYC. From an ABC Good Morning America segment in Times Square, St. Patrick's Cathedral and Central Park West, Kate forges ahead to work towards a life with Tony. Romantic interludes on the Vineyard and the banks of Boston's 4th of July Esplanade concert spark rekindled passion. Just when Kate is ready to commit to her "true love", tragedy strikes again. She's kidnapped in Manhattan. She yearns for Tony. But, he's in Boston. Is it too late for a life with him? This novel is a mix of mystery, romance, family generations and tragedies. It weaves through life obstacles and sheds light on the power of love, fortitude and resiliency. Author's insightful Book Club - Reading Group Questions included.