Joyce Marie Taylor has had an affinity for words ever since she won her first of many spelling bees at the age of six. A junior high course in semantics and a creative writing class later in life set the groundwork for her passion for writing. "Instinct" is Taylor’s 14th novel and she’s not ready to stop yet. She loves to entertain with tales of mystery, suspense and romance that transports her readers into the vastly different worlds of each of her characters. Big on dialogue to move the plot forward, Taylor’s easy to understand style of writing, as well as her injections of humor and occasional love scenes keeps her readers turning pages, even more so, because she thrives on unusual plot twists and surprise endings. Aside from writing novels, Taylor is also an editor, a former newspaper reporter, and a Florida Press Association award recipient. All of Taylor’s books are available in paperback and digitally on Amazon’s Kindle. Book reviews, especially positive ones, are like pure gold to an author. If you enjoyed reading "Instinct" or any of Taylor’s other books, kindly consider rating and reviewing them on Happy Reading!