Legacy Explored continues the adventures of three rival Captains and their search for the cure to a virus that could eradicate humanity: the genetically enhanced Serena leads a team she loves like a family, arrogant Lazlo leads his fractious paramilitary crew, and the laconic loner known as Rabbit with his dysfunctional band of criminals.
Serena searches for a hacker to decode the Darius crystal, but her enemies are always one step ahead. Despite the dangers, Serena’s search takes her to a world lost to Chaos years before. Lazlo fights to regain the trust of his crew by unleashing violence for a just cause, but while he pretends to be selfless, will it change him for the better? Rabbit moves against the Hub with the aid of a new crewmember, uncovering a secret that sets him on a collision course with a rival captain. Legacy Explored sees secrets revealed, loyalties tested, and dangers faced in this second instalment of the series.