At the tender age of fourteen, Natasha went to the cinema with her parents to watch the hottest movie in Nollywood, Angel of Fantasy. The movie had a profound influence on her that falling in love became a fantasy for her. The actor Ruky, became her symbol of love. For years to come, the only dream she had was finding love in the hand of Ruky.After the hit movie that propelled Ruky to fame, life turned around for good but his relationship with Nike went sour on the same night. With stardom came wealth but soon his career took a down turn and poverty began to set in. he had to think of other means of survival while at the same time, Natasha was hitting the peak of her modeling career courtesy of Frank, her admirer from childhood. Fate would thus bring to past the imaginations and dreams of two hearts when Frank employed Ruky to bathe Natasha with acid, rather than the bath, they both find love. ANGEL OF FANTASY is captivating and intriguing.