In a world of superheroes, Theo McCleary is under equipped in the superpowers department. He’s just fast enough and just strong enough - to get himself killed.
Fortunately for Theo, he’s also a super genius with a flair for building the advanced armor and weapons he needs to compete. Only it may not be enough for the trouble he finds in his first year at Nova Academy for Superhuman Studies.
With his telepath girlfriend, Carly, Theo is forced to become a super and a hero before he is ready. (Not that he’s sure he would ever want to be a hero, even when he is ready to be a super.)
The two will need to become powerful and form a super team of fellow students if they want to stand up to the supervillains kidnapping Academy students. It all becomes even more complicated when Carly turns Theo’s understanding of the world of supers upside down; revealing the incredible secrets and history of telepaths since The Event that led to the creation of super powers for much of the planet’s population.
Goodreads Reviewer: "What I loved about this book was the realism, battles were fought, people hurt, bled and sometimes lost. Everything didn’t go great for the good guys and the bad guys weren’t unstoppable. Read the sample, you will get hooked and buy the book!"
Highly rated on Goodreads!