I, Debrah Anne Nixon, was born in Bulawayo in 1965. My childhood was an itinerant one, shifting from house to house. The wayfarer in me thus established, I job-hopped my way around southern Africa, working in curio outlets, art galleries, game lodges, trading stores and doctor’s rooms. By the age of 40, I was into my third marriage where I remain happily. I produced five children in my first two marriages. All of them, I am delighted and relieved to say, are well-adjusted young people, despite weathering my admissions to psychiatric institutions. Since 1995 I have lived in eShowe in KwaZulu-Natal where I cultivate creative outlets to sooth my restlessness. In writing and painting my imagination gets to adventure away from studio and writing desk. I explore through reminiscence and dream, potential subject matter for my arts. Besides painting, writing, reading and watching whodunits, I also love gardening, bird-watching, swimming at night, dancing in circles and drinking too much wine. My greatest loves, of course, are my husband, our children, grandchildren and those who are still my friends. My cherished hates are cigarette smoke, the telephone and reduced libido thanks to certain medications.