I live in a place where I allow my imagination to rule me. I have lived most all of my life wondering-- ’What If?’ Things just sort of go from there. I have more fun sitting in front of my computer getting lost in my "characters’ lives" than riding a roller coaster. Then again, I love playing the Sims too...something in common there? It’s funny but when a writer says they get their ideas from everywhere, they are telling you the truth. I can sit in a restaurant, a bar, or the airport and out of nowhere an idea hits me, just by watching the people. I can sit and come up with a story about his/her life right then. I can imagine what he/she is doing there at that moment and the next second I’m jotting down the plot and ignoring (not on purpose) the people I’m with. When the people I’m with see me bent over the table with pen and paper, they all stop talking until I’m done because they know they’ll get nothing from me until I’ve laid the pen to rest. Inspiration is defined as s of the mind or emotions to a high level of feeling or activity. And let me tell you, that my mind is always in overdrive. I love to create a story and get lost in its hold, in my character’s lives. I get going on it and let me tell you, I get so caught up in it that it’s what I’m thinking of when I go to bed, and it’s what I’m thinking of when I open my eyes. Honestly, someone needs to invent a way for me to write while in the shower. I don’t know that I know how not to think about the story I’m working with for a day. I can’t take a day off, because really it feels as if I’ll just explode if I can’t get it out. Basically, once I’m working with an idea, I stay lost until that idea is down and in the form of a manuscript, and ready to be read. I am so blessed to have been given a Muse; she keeps me going even when I don’t think I can go anymore. Most of the time you can catch me sitting at my computer with my Zune going, and believe it or not, nine times out of ten I can’t tell you what’s playing. If someone puts the TV on, and I can see it, I’m a lost cause. However, there is a bright side to that; I bet I will come up with another idea for another story. So, if anything that I write touches you in any way, and it leaves you thinking, then I can say I’ve done my job. And if you’d like, you’re welcome to send me an email, I’d love to hear from you. You can find me on Facebook and Michele_lm@rocketmail.com