Petru Stefaroi, psychosociologist, born in 1962, Suceava, Romania, is, inter alia, author of the books and articles "Humanistic Personology: A Humanistic-Ontological Theory of the Person & Personality. Applications in Therapy, Social Work, Education, Management and Art (Theatre)" (English-Romanian Edition), (The HUMANISTIC PERSONOLOGY Project), August 2015, CreateSpace, Charleston SC, an Company, USA; "La Personnalité - Ressource Principale en Travail Social Humaniste: Le Travail Social Humaniste - La Troisième Voie en Théorie, Méthode et Pratique" (The HUMANISTIC SOCIAL WORK Project), Amazon Kindle eBook; "Humane & Spiritual Qualities of the Professional in Humanistic Social Work: Humanistic Social Work - The THIRD WAY in Theory and Practice", Edition Entirely in English (The HUMANISTIC SOCIAL WORK Project), December 2014, CreateSpace, Charleston SC, an Company, USA; "Humane & Spiritual Qualities of the Professional in Humanistic Social Work: Humanistic Social Work - The THIRD WAY in Theory and Practice" (The HUMANISTIC SOCIAL WORK Project), English-Romanian Edition, November 2014, CreateSpace, Charleston SC, an Company, USA; "Calitati Psihologic-Sufletesti ale Profesionistului in Asistenta Sociala Umanista - The HUMANISTIC SOCIAL WORK Project: Humanistic Social Work - The THIRD WAY in Theory and Practice", 2014, CreateSpace, Charleston SC, an Company, USA; "Calitati psihologic-sufletesti ale profesionistului in asistenta sociala umanista", 2013, CreateSpace, Charleston SC, an Company, USA; "Humanistic Paradigm of Social Work or Brief Introduction in Humanistic Social Work", Social Work Review, No. 1, 2012, Polirom Publishing House; "Humanistic Perspective on Customer in Social Work", Social Work Review, No. 1-2, 2009, Polirom Publishing House; "Happiness Theory in Social Work. From Care Management to Happiness Management", 2009, Lumen Publishing House; "Socio-Affective Development Disorders of Institutionalized Child. From The Survival Objective towards the Happiness Objective in Social Work for Children", Social Work Review, No. 1-2, 2008, Polirom Publishing House; "Efficient Management Particularity in Social Work", Social Work Review, No. 3, 2007, Polirom Publishing House.