As a special agent of VATE (Vampires Against the Evil), Samuel Johnson is no stranger to ridding the world of unsavory creatures. But in this Midwestern shopping mall, on this seemingly typical Friday night, Samuel faces his greatest challenge yet.
Under orders from his superiors, the vampire must track down and capture a sinister vampwolf, while rescuing any humans that remain under its threat. And to make matters worse, he’ll have to complete his mission working side-by-side with an ancient enemy of vampirekind-one of the wild, impulsive Hairy Ones known more commonly as werewolves.
As if dealing with human stupidity wasn’t bad enough, Samuel now has to find common ground with this mutt-who, by the way, is under his own orders to kill, rather than capture, the vampwolf on sight.
As the unlikely duo embark on their dangerous search-and-rescue mission, will their story be a touching testament to the power of cooperation? Or will they prove, once and for all, why vampires and werewolves should never work together?