Among the hidden world of the supernatural, the secret Shifter police squad known as the Alpha Trio is renowned for their fierce expertise. Only the best fighters ever rise to join their storied ranks.
Erik Lucano and his brothers are the best of the best. But even they need a night off to kick back and relax!
While sampling the night life at 5tM, the hottest club in the city, a gorgeous young woman stumbles into Erik's path and it’s just his luck that she’s being chased by a vampire.
Now he’s got to deal with the potential supernatural incident on his hands. But that's not his only problem...
Even more importantly, will he be able to keep his hands off Cat, the luscious human woman who needs his help?
Or will his new obsession bring danger to the Alpha Trio...?
Note: Parts of Shifted Craves was previously published as a serialized novella - Alpha Trio: The Complete Collection