Summer over and winter quickly approaching, Preparing for Winter An 1896 Western Adventure is fi lled with action, character, historical happenings, and dozens of family recipes of the era. It is a companion story from her fi rst novel, Second Chance A Western Adventure. Arriving in Burns, Oregon, from Brockport, New York, Rachael Carver settled into her daily duties during the summer months as cook and housekeeper. Now fall fi nds her learning many new tasks as she helps the Preston family prepare for the upcoming winter. With the garden produce nearly canned, fruit dried, and jams sealed, she discovers the many ways of preserving meat. With the fall roundup over and cattle moved to winter pasture, the cowboy chores are nearly halted while the buildings are repaired, equipment cleaned, and wood cut and stockpiled. Th e annual event is about to begin. All family members are expected to help prepare the ranch for winter. No one escapes these dutieschildren or bunkhouse crew. Over the next several weeks the repairs that were postponed during the long work hours of summer, horse training, moving cattle, riding fences, and tending gardens which kept everyone busy, are now high priority before winter sets in and the fi rst snow falls. With her past still haunting her, Rachael continues to keep her emotional distance. Always in constant motion, she is beginning to appreciate her new life while learning to rebuild a level of trust among the members of the Preston family and their bunkhouse crew.