The book is an extremely honest letter to daughters, written by a mother. It is a story of her life and the memories and experiences she has had. She has not had the easiest life growing up, but faith and people strategically placed in her life helped her survive and encouraged her to tell her story. She talks of the feeling of being rejected, of never being able to measure up to the expectations of others, of sexual abuse as a child, of mourning, of bad decisions in her life, of porn addiction, and of a feeling of not being fully accepted by those around her. It is a story of anger and hurt, of feeling vulnerable and unprotected. It is a story about the brokenness of humanity showing how we fail over and over again, and it tells how God readily gives us a second and third chance. It is also a story of God's forgiveness, of learning to forgive others; it is a story of God's healing.
The letter is written to encourage the daughters to live a life of faith, one that pleases God no matter the circumstances they find themselves in. A letter that encourages them to hold on to God even if those around them do not; a story that tells them that just because others say they are Christians does not mean they will not hurt them or let them down. It also reminds them that they too will fail sometimes, and it tells them of the importance of picking themselves up, forgiving themselves, seeking forgiveness from God, and walking on the narrow path. We are all still human, Christian or not, and we should focus on God and not those around us. Only God sees and judges the heart of man.