Humorous and conversational, while at the same time theological and practical, The God Who Is Real poignantly addresses the most compelling question of human history: Does a personal, caring God exist? The author answers this through a series of “stories,” or “episodes,” which, taken together, form an autobiography that testifies to the reality of a sovereign God who desires an intimate, loving relationship with His creation. The Lord’s care and miraculous provision are chronicled throughout the author’s life, from his conversion as a young man, throughout his life as a preacher and missionary, to his return to Canada in 2009. The book is marked by honesty and transparency. Readers witness the spiritual highs of ministry and a close walk with the Saviour, along with the lows of everyday life. A born-again experience does not shelter a believer from illness, heartache, or challenges—a truth gently woven throughout the pages of this manuscript.