The SAGE Handbook of Service-Dominant Logic, edited by Robert Lusch and Stephen Vargo, will be an authoritative guide to scholars across disciplines who are conducting or wish to conduct research on S-D logic. The handbook consists of ten sections and approximately 40 individual chapters:
1 Introduction and Background (Robert Lusch and Stephen L. Vargo, US)2 Value Cocreation (Janet McColl-Kennedy, Australia)
3 Actors and Practices (Hans Kjellberg, Sweden and Suvi Nenonen, New Zealand)
4 Resource Integration (Linda Peters, UK)
5 Service Exchange (Melissa Akaka, US)
6 Institutions and Institutional Arrangements (Michael Kleinaltenkamp, Germany)
7 Service Ecosystems (Irene Ng, UK)
8 Service Innovation (Marja Toivonen, Finland)
9 Midrange Theory (Rod Brodie, New Zealand)
10 Selected Applications (Kaj Storbacka, New Zealand)