◆「媲美記實文學鼻祖卡波提《冷血》的傑作!」──《享受吧,一個人的旅行》作者伊莉莎白‧吉兒伯特Elizabeth Gilbert
◆「作者將角色的人性複雜刻畫得淋漓盡致!」──《直播風暴》作者戴夫‧艾格斯Dave Eggers
◆「具史詩型磅礡鉅作規格的小說。我為這三位女性所心碎,且永生難忘。」──金球獎演員吉蓮‧安德森Gillian Anderson
慾望。它讓人刺激暢快,卻也使我們飽受折磨。控制著我們的思緒,甚至摧毀了我們的生命──它是我們活著的理由。然而,我們卻幾乎不談論它,作為生命隱而未顯的驅動力量,慾望仍有許多尚未被探索、理解的部分──Three Women,正是為了這些靜默而寫。
或許如八點檔劇情俗濫,或許嚴苛的道德標準將與予譴責,本書的目的從不是為了提供某種範本,也沒有偉大的企圖為所謂女性整體代表發聲,而只是將三位女性的生命呈現在讀者面前,人生的際遇、內心幽微的渴望、苦痛…為她們的愛慾提供更立體的座標。Three Women以前所未有的深度與情感張力,刻劃出當代情慾渴望的輪廓一角,它的脆弱、複雜,與潛藏在性別中的不平等…感受其豐富多變的面貌,以及那使人無法抗拒的驅力與同等的殺傷力。讓讀者深陷於敘事之中,也或許在之中瞥見自己的身影,為那些尚未被文字賦予形體的感受,找到發聲的可能。(文/博客來編譯)
'A masterpiece at the same level as In Cold Blood' ELIZABETH GILBERT
'This is one of the most riveting, assured and scorchingly original debuts I've ever read. I can't imagine a scenario where this isn't one of the most important - and breathlessly debated - books of the year' DAVE EGGERS
All Lina wanted was to be desired. How did she end up in a marriage with two children and a husband who wouldn't touch her?
All Maggie wanted was to be understood. How did she end up in a relationship with her teacher and then in court, a hated pariah in her small town?
All Sloane wanted was to be admired. How did she end up a sexual object of men, including her husband, who liked to watch her have sex with other men and women?
Three Women is a record of unmet needs, unspoken thoughts, disappointments, hopes and unrelenting obsessions.
Extraordinary. I can't remember the last time a book affected me as profoundly as Three Women (Elizabeth Gilbert)
'This book - challenging and heartbreaking - will stay with me. An extraordinary, documentary deep dive into the psychology of women and sex that is as unputdownable as the most page-turning fiction. (Jojo Moyes)
Addictive, totally addictive. Brilliant (Dolly Alderton)
A fascinating excavation of the intricacies of love and desire, where they conspire and where they conflict. Read this book (Esther Perel)
My non-fiction book of the year. stounding( Jessie Burton)
It is the deepest dive into our neighbours' consciousnesses that I've ever read, so immersive it approaches the Tolstoyan, and its narcotic pleasures mainline the only thing that can truly save us: empathy (Adam Ross)
Intense and riveting. It gives us epic themes in miniature. These women broke my heart and I won't forget them (Gillian Anderson)
As gripping as the most gripping thriller. Moving, immersive, surprising, elegantly written ... You will love it (Marian Keyes)
I literally could not put it down (Gwyneth Paltrow)
[An] instant feminist classic. In this utterly engrossing, frankly game-changing work of narrative non-fiction, a New York magazine contributor profiles a trio of everyday women, shining a light on their darkest desires and how men (and other women) often thwart those wants (Michelle Hart O, The Oprah Magazine)
Brilliant. In a year when female sexuality is one of the hottest topics of debate, it's a must-read (Summer Reads Vogue)
Three Women is riveting - a searing, honest, visceral and compulsive account of women's desire. I've never read anything like it (Esther Freud)
I've not read something so confronting, humane, and brilliant in a really long time. An outstanding achievement (Kiran Millwood Hargrave)
This is one of the most riveting, assured and scorchingly original debuts I've ever read. Taddeo's beautifully written and unflinching portraits of desire allow her protagonists to be wholly human and wholly, blessedly complex. I can't imagine a scenario where this isn't one of the most important - and breathlessly debated - books of the year (Dave Eggers)