This groundbreaking book invites world leaders to follow science, yet urges an open dialogue in the pursuit of truth, steering clear of Big Pharma’s marketing propaganda. John delves into how the universe perpetually reinvents itself in a Steady State, eschewing the traditional big bang theory, through his father’s concept of ’symmetrical impermanence’ (SI). He posits that Jupiter was once a binary twin to the sun, which, after collapsing in a supernova, gave birth to the planets. John tackles Chalmers’ ’hard’ problem of consciousness using the wave-particle interchangeability (WPI) principle found in electromagnetic fields-the same principle that powers cell phones. He theorizes that the music of life emanates from primary energy as electromagnetic waves, which coalesce into a ’One Mind’ comprising a nested hierarchy of sub-minds. According to his theory, our brains transform these waves into protons, constructing our bodies with conscious awareness and enabling us to experience and adapt to hostile environments. He advocates for a Campaign for Open Science and Medicine (COSAM) to foster a shift towards holistic thinking, aiming to safeguard humanity’s future.