廣受媽媽界好評的Busy書系,是幼齡孩子認識世界的絕佳選擇,適合小手轉一轉、拉一拉的趣味機關,讓寶貝的閱讀好感度瞬間爆增!《Busy Sports Day》畫出運動會的熱鬧景況,每一個小朋友都有上場的機會,要公平競爭,幫助隊友,過程比競賽結果更重要喔。生活化的場景讓幼兒能透過書頁,訓練觀察力、擴充語彙,文字押韻容易記憶,邊讀邊玩,邊玩邊學!
Push, pull and slide the tabs to take part in the Busy Sports Day! Pass the baton, toss a bean bag and keep your egg on the spoon, before collecting a medal at the end of the day.
Children will love playing with this bright and colourful board book with gentle rhyming text and wonderful illustrations by Louise Forshaw, which is part of the popular Busy Book series.
Discover more of the Busy Book series: Busy Playtime, Busy Beach, Busy Farm, Busy Bookshop, Busy Swimming, Busy Fire Station, Busy Zoo, Busy Pets, Busy Baking, Busy Park, Busy Café, Busy Vet, Busy Nursery, Busy Zoo, Busy Holiday, Busy Friends and Busy Tractor.