★繪本界矚目新星Carly Gledhill最新作品
《Frog Goes on Holiday》這本有趣的互動書,頁面上有許多大大小小的鏤空設計,讓孩子可以透過小洞窺視小青蛙的旅程。特殊的造型頁面與書末最後的摺頁設計,讓這本書透過新穎的互動式設計,帶給孩子最新奇、最有趣的閱讀體驗,滿足孩子好奇心。
《Frog Goes on Holiday》結合引導、遊戲與學習三大功能,給孩子許多待發現的驚奇,並跟著閱讀體驗一起,學習許多有關空間概念的字彙,培養學齡前閱讀技巧,是一本能讓孩子邊讀邊玩,愛不釋手的互動繪本。
Frog is going on holiday. He wants to see the world! What will he find on his adventure?
Follow Frog as he goes this way and that, over and under, around and through . . . Where will he end up?
With peep-through holes, shaped pages and a surprise gatefold ending, this novelty format makes for an interactive and playful reading experience.