延續The Circles in the Sky的風格,德國插畫家Karl James Mountford以細緻而詩意的美麗畫面,望向生命中的低谷時刻。文字與圖像合鳴呈現豐富層次,更巧妙運用色彩和視覺意象,將內心壓抑的悲傷對應外在強烈的暴風雨。故事中角色智慧的話語,如同在最需要的時刻的一個溫暖擁抱,注入讓人心安的穩定力量,陪伴讀者找尋情緒出口。
Rat's friend Jackdaw is worried – Rat hasn't been herself lately. It seems like she is somewhere else ... somewhere sad. Rat wishes she could tell Jackdaw what's been troubling her, but she doesn't have the words.
So, instead, she runs out by herself just as a storm starts rolling in. Lost, alone and frightened in the belly of the storm, at her lowest moment Rat meets an unexpected friend who teaches her to listen to the storm – screaming its loneliness and singing its sadness – and helps her to find her own voice.
A moving, cathartic and sensitive exploration of depression, from the creator of Circles in the Sky.