Gar Lancaster wasn't depressed, no matter what his sister, Nellie, said. He didn't need a trip to a tropical island to meet some guy for a vacation romance. Sex was, he could get that. Love and commitment, those were two entirely other things. But when Mike Peters kissed him on the balcony under a sea of star with the pounding waves hitting the shore below them, things changed.
Maybe, he didn't need a happily ever after. Maybe happily for right now was okay. Whatever happened, Gar was pretty sure he wa sin way over his head.
Now he was on his way back to Dasia Island for a friends wedding. Happily for right now hadn't worked out for Gar. He missed Mike and what they had shared on the island. The question was did Mike feel the same way. There was only one way to find out if there was a happily ever after in his future. Face Mike and ask him.