Craig Stephen Copland is a native of Toronto and, a long time ago, was an English major who studied under both Northrup Frye and Marshall McLuhan at the University of Toronto. In May of 2014, the Sherlock Holmes Society of Canada - better known as The Bootmakers ( - announced a contest for a new Sherlock Holmes story. Although he had no experience writing fiction, the author submitted a short Sherlock Holmes mystery and was blessed to be declared one of the winners. Thus inspired, he has continued to write new Sherlock Holmes mysteries since. He created the legendary detective of the American West, The Reverend Mister Ezekiel Black, so that the science of deduction could be transferred to the days of the frontier. He is on a mission to write a tribute Sherlock Holmes story and a Reverend Ezekiel Black story for every one in the Sherlockian Canon. He currently writes from Toronto, Tokyo, and Manhattan and can be reached at