You are fighting desperately against Adolf Hitlers most merciless force: the Waffen-SS. You are also fighting the harshest European winter on record, incompetent leadership at varying levels of command, and a strained and sometimes corrupt supply system that deprives you of desperately needed winter clothing, food, and ammunition. Your First Sergeant is a shirker and coward who hates you. Your company commander is timid and makes poor decisions or avoids them altogether. The enemy aims cannon fire at you each time you leave your foxhole to relieve yourself. You have dysentery. Your feet are frozen. You have a respiratory infection and a fever. Yet you will not be evacuated from the front lines to a field hospital. Your friends are suffering horrific wounds and dying violently all around you. Some even freeze to death. All this, and you have not yet reached your twentieth birthday. Chances are, you wont.