Siege! With the threat of yet another battle during the summer of 1863, Corporal Jonathan Archer discovers a renewed strength as he must find a way to provide safety and protect his family while also serving in the defense of his hometown. The battle led by Union General Ulysses S. Grant for control of the Mississippi River at the port of Vicksburg looms over the city like a mighty eagle swooping down upon its prey. Hill City is ultimately held under siege for weeks as the Army of Vicksburg and its remaining citizens brace themselves for the standoff. Fortunately, Corporal Archer begins his first assignment as an aide to Lt. General John C. Pemberton at the Confederate headquarters. This newly acquired position allows him firsthand knowledge as he works alongside his commander while he gains insight into the specific battle plans of the Confederacy. Corporal Archer will have to depend upon his strong faith and undying love for his wife and family in order to survive the siege.