Devin Demas was born over three hundred years ago of noble lineage as a prince of a kingdom between old France and Germany. He has no desire to rule after his father King Bosren and despised him after meeting Barabis and learning his secrets of the underworld, hell. Soon after, Devin was banished from the kingdom for learning the black magic of Mephistopheles. In secrecy, he was taken to the new lands of America. After killing the ship's captain through spells that sent him into contortions as his body was crushed into a human cube of carnage, Devin then turned the ship's sailors into his servile slaves. After reaching the southern shores of America, they disbanded the ship as Devin, only sixteen years old, marched with his new sailor slaves inland in search of his new home. After what seemed months, they finally came to a place Devin was satisfied in and built his new home. Devin studied the parchment scrolls Barabis left him for seventeen years. He learned how to become immortal after he would have to lose his mortality under the alignment of stars and planets in the conjecture of pure evil. After being judged and sent to hell, Devin yoked with Satan then walked once more upon the earth as a heartless and soulless being in the gathering of followers for the final war of man's soul and the occupation of Mother Earth and control of her flesh. After over three hundred years of roaming the earth, Devin came back to his old home his sailor slaves made with their bare hands. It was located outside the small town Langtownship. David Lang is the sheriff of Langtownship. His family had been in this reign since 1652. David and Devin soon became nemeses as they came to realize that they were related in lineage. Devin tried to recruit David to his satanic cult in which David wanted no part of. After Devin destroyed David's perfect life, family, and peace on earth, David found himself empowered by armies of unlikely sources to fight against hell and darkness upon earth forever.