Colin Ferguson (1937) was born in Perth (Scotland) and moved with his mother and sister to Richmond (Surrey) when he was eleven when he went to Tiffin School. Life was difficult as for many years the family had no settled home, partly due to his father’s drinking. After two years in the Royal Air Force he worked for nine years in the Bank of England. A long period of illness led him to consider ministry but that ministry was to be in the Probation Service. He worked in Lambeth, Holloway Prison and Battersea before his family moved to Reading on his promotion to a senior position. In Reading most of his work was with young families and families separation and divorcing. When he retired early from probation he continued to work with families as a mediator. He and Janet have been married for over 55 years and their four children now have six children as well. For most of that time he has been a Lay Preacher in the United Reformed Church, though it is not unusual to find him in the local Methodist Churches. He talks about redeployment rather than retirement and since he was 70 he has spent time in writing and putting together books of his work. Two of his hymns are internationally known. He now has seven books to his name, many a collection of new hymns more recently with new music from those who like to work with him. He has been published in many anthologies and is a regular contributor to ’Worship Live’ an on-line magazine for new ideas in worship.