Breadcrumbs of Ultimate Freedom reveals how everyone has a role to play in our lives whether we like it or not; and, it reveals how they may have a vital role in our freedom as well. Although we may not like their role, but it will definitely become our responsibility to learn the lesson from it. When we try to prevent or block people, places, and things from playing their role in our lives, we will find that our life becomes a bed of d j vu. It is for that very reason why we find ourselves becoming leery or wallowing in past deception-we must find a way to learn how to trust God, trust ourselves, and trust life. Life is indeed a matrix that provides an opportunity for each of us to experience freedom, but there are times when the issues of life put us between a rock and a hard place. What we sometimes fail to realize is that in all that we do, say, and become, we leave Breadcrumbs behind. As life would have it, it's for those very reasons that we have an inner born desire to become more than what we are; and, that is why the Universe leaves us Breadcrumbs to guide, nurture, and feed us on this path called life; therefore, putting the ball back in our court for us to share our Breadcrumbs with others, in order to truly benefit from them. After reading Breadcrumbs of Ultimate Freedom, you will never again ask the question, "Why me?"