Towning has taken ex-army intelligence officer Jake Dillon to a new level in The Cutter, the sixth in his Dillon crime thriller series."Dillon is summoned from a year-long sabbatical by new head of Ferran & Cardini International operations, Brodie Stevens, he is pushed to extremes of emotion and endurance in a fight for justice and truth, the bloody picture of beauty and greed that can only be painted by a black conflict diamond.Thrown into a living nightmare of theft, lies and torture by an incestuous web of diamond dealers, each with far more to hide than just their invisible sources and ill-gotten bounty. Back in 2000 the mutilated bodies of two eminent diamond cutters are found in their respected Venice gallery. An unspeakably heinous crime had been committed - what of the motive, what of the murderer? Dillon’s pain palpable, and failure - a failure that cost his closest ally her life.Today Jake Dillon is called by Stevens to the scene of the torture, murder and meticulous mutilation of a London diamond merchant. Should he take on the lost battle of 15-years ago, or walk away? The only prize Dillon understands is justice and retribution - his methods unorthodox and unforgiving. From London and Venice to New York, Sierra Leone and Sandbanks Dillon hunts for the truth and the prize that he has waited fifteen years to claim."