Described as "half Mary Poppins and half Tasmanian Devil," Carol is an attorney and writer hailing from Leadville. Her life has never been boring. She is the author of 17 books and 23 stage- and screenplays. Born in Canada, she hasn’t died yet, narrowly dancing past the inevitable on hundreds of occasions. Her last words will be, "Watch this." She’s usually on a dirt bike, raft or pair of skis, and if she can’t be found outdoors, she’s probably baking. Carol gave birth to two Zen masters, daughter Whitney and son Mike, and was "como la mama" to forty others. She believes that raising good children is the most important thing one can do in life. Carol attended Wellesley College, Wesleyan University and received her law degree from Washington University in St. Louis. She has won multiple awards for her legal work and her writing over the years. Her bags are always packed and sightings of her have been reported in New Zealand, Hawaii and the catacombs under Paris. She loves languages and makes passable attempts at French, Spanish, Greek and Navajo-not bad for the daughter of a hard-rock miner with a ninth-grade education. "Being friends with her is like getting a new little red wagon every day."-David Long.