I was born in a small country town about 300 miles north east of Sydney in Australia. I was raised to be a sceptic cum agnostic cum atheist with the words "Churches are dangerous places" and this is like 30 years before Dawkins and his ilk uttered the words! So coming into my teenage years in the eighties, I decided if they are so dangerous let’s go for a bit of danger! So I rebelled, became a Christian and started attending a local Christian youth group. After a bit, it was thought by my family that I was being brainwashed, so I was stopped from going for a couple of years, until I met somebody who I used to go to school with who invited me to her church, and I restarted from there... As to how I came to the UK! Well, I came here from Australia for 6 months travel around Europe! Or so I thought! That was in 1990! I view it as God having a sense of humour. He knows I don’t like rain, cold and in particular - together! He has even given me the most beautiful of women as a wife but she doesn’t like hot weather! God sure has a sense of humour! In 2003, I had a minor stroke and I view that as God giving me a clip round the ear to stop being stubborn and to listen to Him for direction. So instead of moving north with my job at Royal Mail, I took redundancy and went off to Moorlands college where I graduated in 2007. I set up Partakers in 2007. To date Partakers Podcasting site has had about 1,500,000 unique visitors so far and about 4,000,000 downloads. The Partakers YouTube site has had over 250,000 viewings. I also have about 100 different contributors globally including a number of people from the church we are attached to and helping them to practice their gifting. As for the name Partakers itself, I got the idea straight from Matthew 5:6, which I paraphrase as "Blessed are those who partake after righteousness for they will be filled." I have an accountability team set up by the church we attend, for mentoring, prayer, guidance, advice and accountability. I also have people on Facebook & Twitter to keep an eye on what I say and do to see that those things are within biblical confines. I currently reside in Bournemouth and travel frequently to speak in about places including the UK USA and Australia. If you see fit, I would love to take the opportunity to visit you as well Peace, blessings and jellybeans